Wildcat Paintball History
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        UK Paintball was founded by Wade Thomas and Patrick Lancaster.  They met through thefacebook.com and both wanted to start an official team at the University of Kentucky.

        Seven people showed up to the first meeting in Febuary of '05.  After a month, the group had grown to about 12 members.  These were the original members of the team.  Wade and Patrick worked frantically to get a University Advisor.  We would like to thank Capt. Steve Gross of the UK AFROTC for helping us out by agreeing to take on the task.

        Matt at Paintball Hill agreed to help us out at the first mention of the idea.  Matt agreed to be our home field for practicing and be our local sponsor.  So we would like to thank Matt for helping us right of the bat like that.

        Gawain at Custom Cylinders and Game On Paintball jumped at us the minute he found out that Paintball Hill was our home field.  Gawain is also part Owner of Paintball Hill so he wanted to help in any way that he could.  So thanks Gawain for offering all of your help.

       Most importantly we would like to thank all of our original members.  Even the ones that didn't stay around very long.  You all helped get our group going and pave the way for everyone.  So to all of you, you know who you are, thanks.


#53 Patrick Lancater-Captain, President, Co-founder, mid/front.

#83 Wade Thomas-Co-Captain, Vice President, Co-foundre, front

#5  Ryan Radcliff-Original Member, mid/front

#6  Dustin Libby-Original Member, mid/back

#21 Tony Burgess-Orignial Member, mid/front

#00 P.J. Huston-Original Member, front

#13 Patrcik Micka-Original Member, mid/front

#30 Kyle Riggs-Original Member, mid/back

#88 Dan McCrocklin-Original Member, Back

#69 Brad Clark-Back

#48 Will Bell-Back

#07 Paul Tappendorf-Back/Mid

#04 Will Lentz-Mid/Front

#3 Zach Sellers-Front

#14 Alex Murphie-Back/Mid

#23 Jenna Mahaffey-Team Accountant